Prostitution in Germany
Advice centresIs prostitution legal in Germany?
Yes, if you’re an adult and if you’re permitted to work in Germany. You can find out more at:
General employment law -
The Prostitution Law (‘Prostitutionsgesetz’ or ProstG) has been in force since 2002. Ever since then, you have had a legal right to your wages as a sex worker. These wages can no longer be denied you on the basis that prostitution is a violation of moral principles.
You can also conclude an employment contract which gives you access to the social insurance system:
Social insurance -
The Prostitution Protection Law (‘Prostituiertenschutzgesetz’ or ProstSchG) also came into force on 1 July 2017. Under that law, you have to register your activities with the authorities. To find out about how the various Federal states implement this law, click here: -
If you want to know how registration works in Schleswig-Holstein, click here:
Registration and health consultation in SH
What does prostitution mean in Germany?
Prostitution is a sexual service provided in exchange for money between people aged 18 and over. What is important is that everyone involved offers or receives the service under their own free will. In other words, prostitution is sex in exchange for money (usually) and is always voluntary.
If you are working in prostitution against your will, and somebody else is forcing you to do it, then that it is a criminal offence, even if it is your spouse or partner who is doing it.
You can report the person who is forcing you to the police. Nothing will happen to you, since prostitution is legal here.
Why do people talk about ‘prostitution’ and sometimes about ‘sex work’?
Both terms are common. It is impossible to say that one is better or more correct than the other. Prostitution is an old, ‘official’ word which is used in the law.
The term ‘sex work’ tries to indicate that voluntary sex in exchange for money is nothing other than a service – in other words, work.
It may be that some people quickly associate negative things in their minds with the word prostitution. That’s another reason why we use the term ‘sex work’.
But every person has to decide for themselves which word they feel most comfortable with. Some people find it suits them to call themselves prostitutes, while others prefer to call themselves sex workers. Both are okay. -
What do you prefer? You can talk to us at cara*SH about it.
May I work anywhere at any time in prostitution?
There is no one simple answer to that, since there are legal implications.
Some towns and cities have a ‘Sperrgebietsverordnung’ or Exclusion Zone Rule. In Schleswig-Holstein, for instance, that applies in Neumünster. The Exclusion Zone Rule states where you may and may not work. Usually, working is not allowed in the city centre or near churches or schools. Prostitution may be entirely forbidden in some small towns and rural areas. -
If you are unsure of where you may or may not work, then you are welcome to contact us at cara*SH.
What should I look out for as a self-employed prostitute in Germany?
As a self-employed prostitute you have duties just like other self-employed workers in Germany.
If you come from a non-EU country, you will first have to check whether your residency status permits you to work either for yourself or for others in Germany:
Residency and work -
You have to pay taxes:
You have to ensure that you have a health insurance policy and you will have to think about what other insurance policies you might need:
Social insurance -
Before you begin working, your will need to register as a prostitute with the LAsD in Neumünster:
Registration and health consultation in SH
You may even need a prostitution business registration:
Permit obligations for prostitution businesses -
Sounds complicated? It is. If you have any questions, contact us at cara*SH.
Advice near you
Beratungsstelle für Erziehung-, Familien- und Lebensfragen Beratungsstelle zum §218 StGB
Mühlenstraße 34
24392 Süderbrarup
Beratungsstelle für Erziehungs-, Familien- und Lebensfragen Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung zum §§218/ 219 StGB Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Schleswig-Flensburg
Norderdomstraße 6
24837 Schleswig
Beratungsstelle in Erziehungs- und Lebensfragen Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Plön- Segeberg GmbH
Friedrich-Speck-Straße 10a
24321 Lütjenburg
Beratungsstelle in Erziehungs- und Lebensfragen Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Plön- Segeberg GmbH
Am alten Amtsgericht 5
24211 Preetz
cara*SH Fachberatungsstelle für Prostituierte in Schleswig-Holstein
Christianstr. 6
24534 Neumünster
Diakonisches Werk Flensburg Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung
Johanniskirchhof 19
24937 Flensburg
Diakonisches Werk Herzogtum Lauenburg Beratungsstelle für Schwangere und Schwangerschaftskonflikt, Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind, Soziale Beratung, Paar- und Lebensberatung, Migrationssozialberatung
Am Markt 7
23909 Ratzeburg
Diakonisches Werk Rantzau- Münsterdorf gGmbH Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung
Alter Markt 16
25335 Elmshorn
Integrierte Beratungsstelle des Diakonischen Werkes Herzogtum Lauenburg
Ernst-Barlach-Platz 9
24193 Schwarzenbek
Integrierte Beratungsstelle des Diakonischen Werkes Herzogtum Lauenburg
Hohler Weg 2
21481 Lauenburg/ Elbe
Kreis Dithmarschen Beratungsstelle "Kompass" im Ärztehaus im Westküstenklinikum Heide
Esmarchstraße 50
25746 Heide
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales
Barlachstraße 2
23909 Ratzeburg
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales Fachdienst Soziale Dienste
Meierstraße 3
21493 Schwarzenbek
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales Fachdienst Soziale Dienste
Elbstraße 145
21481 Lauenburg/ Elbe
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales Fachdienst Soziale Dienste
Otto-Brügmannstraße 8
21502 Geesthacht
Kreis Ostholstein Fachbereich Soziale Dienste Schwangerschaftkonfliktberatung
Lübecker Straße 41
23701 Eutin
Landeshauptstadt Kiel Amt für Gesundheit Beratungsstelle sexuelle Gesundheit
Fleethörn 18-24
24103 Kiel
Medibüro Lübeck Vermittlung medizinischer Hilfe für Geflüchtete, Migrantinnen und Migranten ohne Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung
Große Burgstraße 51
23552 Lübeck
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Elmshorn e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere in Elmshorn
Feldstraße 24a
25335 Elmshorn
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Kiel e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere Flensburg
Dr.-Todsen-Straße 4
24937 Flensburg
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Kiel e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere Kiel
Muhliusstraße 67
24103 Kiel
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Kiel e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere Neumünster
Linienstraße 1
24534 Neumünster