My rights
What rights do I have?
You have the right to work the way you want. This means you decide about yourself, your body, your money and your actions. You decide how you work and which clients you wish to serve.
Nobody may persuade you to enter prostitution and/or force you to perform sexual activities by means of violence, threats or deception.
Do not allow clients to force you into doing something you don’t want to do.
You have the right and indeed the obligation, to protect yourself and your body by performing safer sex. Always work with a condom:
Condom requirement -
You have the right to stop working in prostitution at any time.
You have the right to receive that money from your clients which was agreed on for your sexual services. You can also ask for the money up-front. Once the client has received from you whatever was agreed, they may not ask for the money back.
I don’t have a residence permit. Do I still have the right to get advice from an advice centre?
Yes. Here at cara*SH we can advise you anonymously about things like whether you have the right to a residence permit and with it a permit to work as a sex worker.
I am under 18 years old and I am working in prostitution. Can I get advice?
You can get advice from cara*SH, regardless of your age or your concerns. Talk to us, whatever’s on your mind.
But it’s important for you to know that you are not allowed to work in prostitution if you are under 18 years old. The only people who are punishable for this are the people who persuade you to enter prostitution, the people who allow you to do that work, and your clients, but not you as a minor.
The new Prostitute Protection Law does not apply to minors.
That means you cannot register with the authorities if you are a minor.
There are many ways of getting support in Germany of you are a minor. If you want to know more, ask us at cara*SH.
My boss insists that I work without a condom. Is he or she allowed to do that?
No. According to the new law, you are not allowed to offer sexual services without a condom. Nor can your boss insist that you do so, since they are obliged to notify people of the duty to wear a condom.
Furthermore, they are not allowed to demand anything of you at work and then follow it up with a fine.
I don’t want to be exploited. How do I recognise that I am being?
There are many different ways of being exploited.
Here are some examples of what exploitation can look like:
You want to save money to send it back to your family. But your partner simply spends the money you earn.
You are asked to work all the time and serve any clients.
A client asks you to perform a sexual act without a condom and threatens not to pay you if you don’t.
Somebody helps you to find a flat or to handle your tax affairs but demands an excessive amount of money for it.
Operators of establishments demand excessive rents for your rooms.
If you think somebody is trying to control you, your body, your money or your actions, then you should talk to somebody about it or go to an advice centre. You can turn to us at cara*SH. And you can contact the police too if you want.
Advice near you
Beratungsstelle für Erziehung-, Familien- und Lebensfragen Beratungsstelle zum §218 StGB
Mühlenstraße 34
24392 Süderbrarup
Beratungsstelle für Erziehungs-, Familien- und Lebensfragen Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung zum §§218/ 219 StGB Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Schleswig-Flensburg
Norderdomstraße 6
24837 Schleswig
Beratungsstelle in Erziehungs- und Lebensfragen Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Plön- Segeberg GmbH
Friedrich-Speck-Straße 10a
24321 Lütjenburg
Beratungsstelle in Erziehungs- und Lebensfragen Diakonisches Werk des Kirchenkreises Plön- Segeberg GmbH
Am alten Amtsgericht 5
24211 Preetz
cara*SH Fachberatungsstelle für Prostituierte in Schleswig-Holstein
Christianstr. 6
24534 Neumünster
Diakonisches Werk Flensburg Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung
Johanniskirchhof 19
24937 Flensburg
Diakonisches Werk Herzogtum Lauenburg Beratungsstelle für Schwangere und Schwangerschaftskonflikt, Bundesstiftung Mutter und Kind, Soziale Beratung, Paar- und Lebensberatung, Migrationssozialberatung
Am Markt 7
23909 Ratzeburg
Diakonisches Werk Rantzau- Münsterdorf gGmbH Schwangeren- und Schwangerschaftskonfliktberatung
Alter Markt 16
25335 Elmshorn
Integrierte Beratungsstelle des Diakonischen Werkes Herzogtum Lauenburg
Ernst-Barlach-Platz 9
24193 Schwarzenbek
Integrierte Beratungsstelle des Diakonischen Werkes Herzogtum Lauenburg
Hohler Weg 2
21481 Lauenburg/ Elbe
Kreis Dithmarschen Beratungsstelle "Kompass" im Ärztehaus im Westküstenklinikum Heide
Esmarchstraße 50
25746 Heide
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales
Barlachstraße 2
23909 Ratzeburg
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales Fachdienst Soziale Dienste
Meierstraße 3
21493 Schwarzenbek
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales Fachdienst Soziale Dienste
Elbstraße 145
21481 Lauenburg/ Elbe
Kreis Herzogtum Lauenburg Fachbereich Jugend, Familie, Schulen und Soziales Fachdienst Soziale Dienste
Otto-Brügmannstraße 8
21502 Geesthacht
Kreis Ostholstein Fachbereich Soziale Dienste Schwangerschaftkonfliktberatung
Lübecker Straße 41
23701 Eutin
Landeshauptstadt Kiel Amt für Gesundheit Beratungsstelle sexuelle Gesundheit
Fleethörn 18-24
24103 Kiel
Medibüro Lübeck Vermittlung medizinischer Hilfe für Geflüchtete, Migrantinnen und Migranten ohne Zugang zur Gesundheitsversorgung
Große Burgstraße 51
23552 Lübeck
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Elmshorn e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere in Elmshorn
Feldstraße 24a
25335 Elmshorn
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Kiel e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere Flensburg
Dr.-Todsen-Straße 4
24937 Flensburg
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Kiel e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere Kiel
Muhliusstraße 67
24103 Kiel
Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen Kiel e.V. Beratungsstelle für Frauen, Familien und Schwangere Neumünster
Linienstraße 1
24534 Neumünster